Elijah Kwasa Test and Temptations x (apologies for the video focus) If we are not living a life where there are no tests, we are probably not living close to God. God knows what we are able to stand, and
The Saviour is Forsaken – Carolyn Thomas
The Saviour is Forsaken Carolyn Thomas To be Forsaken is to be abandoned and deserted. Peter and the disciples could not visualise a situation in which they would scatter and forsake the One they knew to be the Son of
Sharni and Isabel – The eternal unity with our Saviour sealed with His blood
Sharni and Isabel The eternal unity with our Saviour sealed with His blood Would you rather be dead or alive? Would you prefer to walk in darkness or in light? There is an eternal and wonderful unity on offer from
The Unselfish Love of Jesus – Lucas Dos Santos
The Unselfish Love of Jesus Lucas Dos Santos Jesus loves me: we learn to sing this when we can barely talk. But what does it mean? Love actually means nothing if it is not returned. Church is where we learn
What do you have in your hand? – Nick Conduit
Nick Conduit What do you have in your hand? Insane and untameable, banished from his town and living among the tombs, the demoniac spied Jesus alighting his boat. Within his mind fogged by a legion of demons, the man knew
The time is short, and the Saviour is calling – Pr Dada Fialho
Pr Dada Fialho The time is short, and the Saviour is calling The Passover was rapidly drawing near. As Jesus entered the temple He was well aware that this would be his last public sermon. No longer would He hide
The Law of the New Kingdom – April Boyd
The Law of the New Kingdom April Boyd James and John envisioned sitting next to Jesus as the position to aim for in the new kingdom they thought was soon to come. But they had missed what Jesus had shown
The Rich Young Ruler – Jared Hughes
The Rich Young Ruler Jared Hughes The rich young ruler seemed to have it all. He had money. He had position. He knew the Scriptures. Now he sees what Jesus is like, and despite knowing and obeying the law, he
The Greatest Last Days Event – Julian Archer
The Greatest Last Days Event Julian Archer Humans were created by God to love and to be loved. The only event of these last days that is important – is for the love of God to change us. Without God’s
All for One, One for All – Rob Hill
All for One, One for All Rob Hill There are many walls around us that separate us – including race, sexual identity and social status to name just a few. But Jesus came to break down these divisive walls and
Pr Dada Fialho – Help My Unbelief
Pr Dada Fialho Help My Unbelief Jesus’ disciples couldn’t understand the reason for their failure. Although they previously had cast out a demons, in the case of this boy, they were unsuccessful. They were no longer depending fully upon Godand
Take Responsibility – Genevieve Mowbray
Take Responsibility Genevieve Mowbray Judah had tried to weasel out of his responsibilities to care for his daughter-in-law Tamar. For Judah it was easier to ignore her and hope that she would forget that he had promised her his youngest
Rustin Quin – Our Guide
Rustin Quin Our Guide God was impressing the hearts of both the disciples and the pharisees. The difference between them wasn’t that the disciples were better educated, more obedient or more spiritually wise. The difference was that they were willing
April Boyd – Great Faith…Great God!
April Boyd Great Faith…Great God! When I see truely how God always keeps all of His promises to me, it WILL change my life. How great is my faith? How great is my God! The greater my God is to
Cynthia Mafunga – Do You Not Care That We Perish?
Cynthia Mafunga Do You Not Care That We Perish? We live in a world torn by conflict, fear and despair, and it can be easy to feel that God does not care. Jesus himself was born into an oppressive world
Pr Dada Fialho – The Saviour Explains His Kingdom Rules
Pr Dada Fialho The Saviour Explains His Kingdom Rules In a special message for Mother’s Day, Pr Dada explores Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and shares with us the depth of love God has for us – a love that
Nicholas Conduit – The Saviour Makes The Unclean Clean
Nicholas Conduit The Saviour Makes The Unclean Clean Nicholas parallels for us the disease of leprosy and the condition of our sinful hearts. Through the story of Jesus’ reaction and compassion for the lepers, we see His feeligs for us.
Nick Saunders – A Samaritan Women
Nick Saunders A Samaritan Women (Bible Reading Week 11) At the well of Jacob in Samaria, a local woman drawing water encounters a tired and thirsty Jesus. Their conversation summarizes for us the mission of Christ and the heart of
James Pontil – The Saviour is Found
James Pontil The Saviour is Found Nicodemus chose the dark of night to seek out Jesus, to seek after truth. Jesus straightaway saw into his heart and without preamble told him what he needed to hear. Jesus explained to him
Childhood of the Saviour – Gabriel Conduit
Childhood of the Saviour Gabriel Conduit Potential. Not Gabriel’s favourite word, but a concept that he has found to mean God’s plan for us, the working of HIS will in us. The young child Jesus also had potential, and his
Glen Hughes – Breaking Down Walls
Glen Hughes Breaking Down Walls Glen shares with us a Jesus who within his Jewish community showed the world that his salvation was for all people. Our own religious outlook must needs be inclusive so that we break down our
The Lost Coin – Hugo Tsanov
The Lost Coin Hugo Tsanov Hugo choses Jesus’ parable of the lost coin from Luke chapter 15 for his Sabbath message as he explores the earnestness with which we must seek to find those that are lost, and the celebration
The Prodigal Son – Pr Dada Fialho
Pr Dada Fialho The Prodigal Son Our goal this year: We will seek the lost and welcome those who are away from the family of God. (Bible Reading Series week 2)
Michael Were – Be Like the Father
Michael Were Be Like the Father On the final day of December, as we look back on a very difficult year for both our church family and our wider community, Michael urges us to individually study God’s word and seek
Jonno Ginn – Feeding the Spiritually Poor
Jonno Ginn Feeding the Spiritually Poor Jonno unpacks for us a difficult to understand parable of Jesus found in Luke 16, and encourages us to use the opportunities given to us by God to grow and follow Him. Then He
Tom Kent – Unprepared
Tom Kent Unprepared Tom’s shares with us the urgency of preparedness, it’s promises, and our gospel assurance. …being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of