Carel Neuhoff Assurance from God through His Prophets Oct 1, 2016 God warned the people of Tyre through Ezekiel. Isaiah, Joel, Jeremiah, Amos and Zechariah of it’s coming destruction, so that they would turn to Him. His word is true,
Russell Halliday – A Storehouse of Talent
Russell Halliday A Storehouse of Talent Sept 17, 2016 Every talent and possession we have is a gift from God, given with love from His storehouse. The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell
Glen Hughes – Scandal
Glen Hughes Scandal Aug 27, 2016 The gospel truly understood is always a scandal – it will turn some into disciples, but alienate others. It will always bring us to a point of decision.
Cranville Tooley – Worship
Cranville Tooley Worship Aug 20, 2016 Cranville talks about the essential elements of worship and what we can do to maximize the experience and gain the blessing from God that worship brings.
Dr Jessica Trevithick – The Love Letter
Dr Jessica Trevithick The Love Letter Aug 13, 2016 The love of God for each of us is beyond our understanding, but He offers it freely. Learn of His love, and your life will never be the same. For I
Peter Howard – Mission
Peter Howard Mission Aug 6, 2016 Why do we come to worship in God’s house? We are His! “O Lord You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You created all things, and for Your will they
Cranville Tooley – Team Work: the Way God works.
Cranville Tooley Team Work: the Way God works July 30, 2016 God’s design for the church is that it works together as a team. We each play our part and strive to work for His glory. Today is the Ordination
Sam Krieg – Overcoming Fear
Sam Krieg Overcoming Fear July 23, 2016 If fear is stopping you from following God’s plan for your life – step out in faith. He will reward you and strengthen you. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of
Dr Don Batten – Creation: a key to the gospel
Dr Don Batten Creation: a key to the gospel July 16, 2016 All around us is evidence of an intelligently created Universe, from flowers to mountains to galaxies. Billions of random chances over billions of years do not make real
Cranville Tooley – Living with Hope
Cranville Tooley Living with Hope July 9, 2016 Jesus offers us a better life now, and eternal life. We serve Him who died for our sins, rose again defeating death, and returned to heaven to prepare us a new home.
Errol Wright – The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Errol Wright The Battle Belongs to the Lord July 2, 2016 Jehoshaphat faced severe crisis and took it to the Lord in prayer. When trials and issues bring us down, we ought always to take it to the Lord in
Cranville Tooley – Living a Life of Integrity
Cranville Tooley Living a Life of Integrity June 18, 2016 Cranville brings alive the story of Paul, a prisioner in chains on his way to Rome. Though storm-tossed, shipwrecked and ultimately executed, Paul’s integrity holds firm as God’s love shines
Richard de Klerk – Rejection and Acceptance
Richard de Klerk Rejection and Acceptance June 11, 2016 Richard share his recent experiences in training as a bible worker. He reminds us that because of His unfailing love, God will never turn His back on us, and when we
Matt Parra – Give Us More Faith
Matt Parra Give Us More Faith June 4, 2016 Faith… It’s how we should live, and comes from hearing, and hearing by His word. Matt discusses the role of faith in the christian life, and how we can increase our
Peter Howard – Receiving the Abundance of God
Peter Howard Receiving the Abundance of God May 21, 2016 A study in the discipline of stewardship By choosing God as partner in our stewardship relationship we shift God from being an external source of supply to being an internalised
Peter Howard – A Special Tribute to Mothers – Kid’s Church
Peter Howard A Special Tribute to Mothers – Kid’s Church May 14, 2016 Kid’s Church and a Special Tribute to Mothers Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (which is the
Peter Howard – Getting the most out of Church
Peter Howard Getting the most out of Church May 7, 2016 Getting the most out of Church: a study in the christian discipline of fellowship. The early christian church, under the leadership of the apostles, demonstrated, as our example, the
Paul Geelan – The Chosen
Paul Geelan The Chosen Apr 30, 2016 We are chosen by God to be His people – what does that mean to each of us? Paul discusses staying Christ centered through His grace, that we may be faithful witnesses. Turn
Charl Neuhoff – Crown on the brow, Dew on the back.
Charl Neuhoff Crown on the brow, Dew on the back. Apr 23, 2016 Nebuchadnezzar ruled his vast empire with pride – truly a king amongst kings, but learned that he owed everything to THE King of Kings. Our God IS
Mal Moy – The Oasis of Worship
Mal Moy The Oasis of Worship Apr 16, 2016 When we choose to worship our God, through praise, giving, sharing, obedience and prayer, He will refresh and change us. As we look upon His face and walk in His footsteps,
Peter Howard – “Becoming Spiritual Giants” – a study in the spiritual discipline of Faith.
Peter Howard “Becoming Spiritual Giants” – a study in the spiritual discipline of Faith. Apr 9, 2016 “Becoming Spiritual Giants” – a study in the spiritual discipline of Faith Goliath was born a giant, David became a giant by exercising
Lyndon Darko – Fakes, Forgeries and Lies

Lyndon Darko Fakes, Forgeries and Lies Feb 6, 2016 Lyndon talks about sorting out fact from fiction when we’re confronted by the skillful deceptions of the angel of light. Trust in God’s word to be a lamp unto your feet
Doug Martin – The Reality of my Faith
Doug Martin The Reality of my Faith Jan 9, 2016 Doug Martin describes his own spiritual journey and urges us to maintain simplicity of faith as we grow together in Christ.
Ruan deWitt – Spiritual Blindness: Open Your Eyes!
Ruan deWitt Spiritual Blindness: Open Your Eyes! Jan 2, 2016 Our worship hour opened with a special item by Roxanne. Ruan then revisits John 9 where Jesus restores the sight to a man who had been blind since birth. This