Nick Conduit The Time for the Restoration of Truth If there was ever a time when truth should be restored and put on display by the people of God – this is that day. Nick opens up to us the
Nick Conduit – The Time for the Restoration of Truth

Nick Conduit The Time for the Restoration of Truth If there was ever a time when truth should be restored and put on display by the people of God – this is that day. Nick opens up to us the
So Completely Filled April Boyd Stephen was able to do amazing works for God because he was completely filled with the power of God. April encourages us to look at our own hearts to examine what we are filled with.
Illuminate Jared Hughes Jared explores how a camera is like the investigative judgement: it is all due to the importance of light. Satan wants us to be in darkness about who God is, but when Jesus came into this world,
The Saviour is Forsaken Carolyn Thomas To be Forsaken is to be abandoned and deserted. Peter and the disciples could not visualise a situation in which they would scatter and forsake the One they knew to be the Son of
People Need the Lord – Pr Dada Fialho The Pharisees had set a trap for Jesus, knowing that no matter what He chose to do, they would have him for breaking the law – either Jewish or Roman. Instead of
All for One, One for All Rob Hill There are many walls around us that separate us – including race, sexual identity and social status to name just a few. But Jesus came to break down these divisive walls and
Luke Halmai More Than Conquerors It’s very dark, a few hours before dawn, the wind is fierce in the midst of the sea of Galilee, and Peter obeys Jesus’ command to step off the boat. As Peter heads towards Jesus,
Captured by a Master Bently Lucrida Three fishermen who made their living working on the Sea of Galilee were met and challenged by Jesus, who promised to make them Fishers of Men if they followed Him. Bently shares with us
April Boyd The Saviour is Baptised for Repentance Did Jesus need to be baptised for repentance? April explores for us the concepts of repentance, baptism and the example Jesus gave us so we could live anew with Him. This topic
Pr Dada Fialho The Prodigal Son Our goal this year: We will seek the lost and welcome those who are away from the family of God. (Bible Reading Series week 2)
Glen Hughes See Therefore they said to him, “How were your eyes opened?” (John 9:10) Glen shares with us his favourite story from the book of John that unpacks through simple narrative one of the deepest truths we can hold.
Anita Carvill Sparrows The love and care that God has for us is beyond our understanding. We can be confident that if we surrender completely to him, then we need have no fear. Are not five sparrows sold for two
Thiago Bravo The Judgement is Good News What is your conception of the final judgement? The bad news is that it is probably wrong, the good news is that is it certainly wrong. There is therefore now no condemnation to
Joshua Cho The Sun Stood Still If God calls you to do something, trust He will always be will you through the whole journey. Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I
Tom Kent Come to Me Tom shares with us a picture of the love of Jesus during his earthly ministry, and the same love from Jesus in the prophetic vision of Revelation where He is our High Priest. Wherever we
Carel Neuhoff Christ Has Given Everything To Us Christ has given everything to us, but what do we give to Him? God did not redeem us because we deserve it: he did it because His mercy demanded it. Knowing that
Jono Ginn Life in the Church We are all disciples, and the mission given to us by Jesus is to use our talents to share the gospel and win more disciples for Him. Are you still willing to follow Jesus,
Thiago Bravo The Heart of a Disciple Maker Our purpose as a disciple of Jesus it not just to preach to ourselves. Being a disciple is about how we live. If our lives don’t show what Jesus is like to
Julian Archer Disciples Disciple Disciples To be a disciple is circular. It’s never-ending. It’s about food and friends and picnics and laughter. It’s about sharing God’s truth in love. It’s about seeing people set free. When you know that you
Tom Kent Why Hasn’t He Come Back? Who has the heart? With whom are our thoughts? Of whom do we love to converse? Who has our warmest affections and our best energies? If we are Christ’s, our thoughts are with
Dada Fialho The Wicked Forgiven Christian Forgiveness of others is a condition of our own forgiveness. If we are not willing to forgive, it is evidence that we are not willing to let God work in our own hearts and
Ryan Cuff Take Me to Babylon Israel had apostatized and ended up in Babylon. But eventually Babylon fell to Media-Persia. The fall of Babylon was good news. The Children of Israel were now free to go home to Jerusalem. Jesus
Dada Fialho What is My Purpose? This is the 3rd presentation in Dada’s series: What is Our Purpose?
Dada Fialho What is Our Purpose? Life with Purpose Series Pt.2 As followers of Christ we are representing Him to the world. Our purpose is not to do the bare minimum to scrape through to the kingdom of God, but
Neil Watts Looking and Waiting for His Appearing Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and
Dada Fialho Love is Everything And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13 There are two types of love – human love and love given to us by God. The first