The Origin of Evil Pr Dada Fialho Each moment of the day, every decision we make is either submitting to voice of the devil, or submitting to the voice of our Redeemer. Choose right now who you will serve, choose
The Origin of Evil – Pr Dada Fialho

The Origin of Evil Pr Dada Fialho Each moment of the day, every decision we make is either submitting to voice of the devil, or submitting to the voice of our Redeemer. Choose right now who you will serve, choose
The Judgement, Pre Advent Pr Dada Fialho Judgement day – the day that the whole world will be in the presence of God at His return. This God who “…is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:29) is also the God who
Jesus’ Word is the Safeguard Against Satan Pr Dada Fialho Jesus defeated the temptations of Satan with the words “…It is written…” As Pastor Dada introduces Revelation Ch 11, he shares with us a special truth – that we can
Pr Dada Fialho Love is the Abundance of Grace Taking the form of a bible study, Dada explores for us the elements of John’s 1st epistle. He admonishes us, through constant surrender and connection to God, to always love others
No Greater Purpose than to Share Jesus Pr Dada Fialho After Pentecost the Holy Spirit was active in the early church. First the Holy Spirit advised the church to send out Barnabas and Paul for the work that He had
Pr Dada Fialho The Gift of God Fifty days after the resurrection, the disciples heard the sound of a wind rushing through the house where they were meeting, and tongues of fire landed on their heads. They were then filled
Your Yearly Diet Plan Pr Dada Fialho You have a resolution to make personal change? It’s certainly that time of year. Should we be more responsible with money, exercise more regularly, or eat less pancakes? Pr Dada trims off the
Pr Dada Fialho God’s Love for Man Do you believe that God loves you? We can only love God back if we believe this deep in our hearts. No one will have an emotionally intimate relationship unless they believe that
The Saviour Calls For Action Pr Dada Fialho The Jewish rulers had accused Jesus of blasphemy and thus worthy of death, the Roman soldiers had nailed him to the cross, and His disciples had deserted Him in fear. But to
Pr Dada Fialho The Saviour Who Didn’t Save Himself Jesus laid down His life to save not only the Jews, but every person who has ever lived. Jesus died surrounded by hatred and mockery, but His heart was full of
Pr Dada Fialho The time is short, and the Saviour is calling The Passover was rapidly drawing near. As Jesus entered the temple He was well aware that this would be his last public sermon. No longer would He hide
It is possible to have a changed heart! Pr Dada Fialho A special dedication service for Micah David Hughes Pharisee Simon, a leper healed by Jesus, held a feast for Him and his disciples in the town of Bethany, not
People Need the Lord – Pr Dada Fialho The Pharisees had set a trap for Jesus, knowing that no matter what He chose to do, they would have him for breaking the law – either Jewish or Roman. Instead of
Pr Dada Fialho Help My Unbelief Jesus’ disciples couldn’t understand the reason for their failure. Although they previously had cast out a demons, in the case of this boy, they were unsuccessful. They were no longer depending fully upon Godand
Pr Dada Fialho With God All Things are Possible Think about this: If God asks me to do something that is easy for me, then I don’t need His help. But if He asks me to do something that is
Dada Fialho The Saviour’s Condition for Acceptance In a special baptism service, Pr Dada reminds us that by our efforts alone we can do nothing to gain salvation, but when we take Jesus at His word, and take His yoke
Pr Dada Fialho The Saviour Explains His Kingdom Rules In a special message for Mother’s Day, Pr Dada explores Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and shares with us the depth of love God has for us – a love that
Pr Dada Fialho The Saviour’s Impossible Healing (Bible reading plan week 12) In the village of Cana, and later at Jerusalem’s Bethesda pool, John records Jesus twice rewarding belief with miraculous healings, and in so doing giving us a vision
Pr Dada Fialho God Present with His People at the Right Time God Present with His People at the Right Time The great law of the universe is the principle for which all creatures were created – the law of
Pr Dada Fialho The Prodigal Son Our goal this year: We will seek the lost and welcome those who are away from the family of God. (Bible Reading Series week 2)
Growing in the Spirit Pr Dada Fialho November 26, 2022 Make time to seek spiritual food each day from the word of God so that you can grow. Head knowledge alone is not enough, we need the change that only
Pr Dada Fialho The Reward Is Greater Than What You Put In Alstonville April 9 2022 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those
Pr Dada Fialho The Death of Every Believer March 26 @ Alstonville SDA Church
Pr Dada How Spiritual Growth Happens You have heard Jesus calling you – don’t cover your ears and wait. Answer him now.
Pr Dada Fialho The Greatest Gift Christmas day, 2021 @ Alstonville. Pr Dada shares with us his message about the greatest gift ever given.
Pr Dada Fialho The Local Church (Living as a Church pt.2) Is the church necessary for my salvation? Salvation is by grace alone, in faith alone, in Christ alone. But if I am saved, my salvation will then change the