Matt Parra Keep Watching Matt talked about what we can learn from the life of Daniel as we prepare for the time of the end. Keep watching – not what the world reveals, but what God is revealing, Keep praying
Matt Parra – Keep Watching

Matt Parra Keep Watching Matt talked about what we can learn from the life of Daniel as we prepare for the time of the end. Keep watching – not what the world reveals, but what God is revealing, Keep praying
Lyndon Darko RSVP October 31 2020, Alstonville SDA Church presentation from Blue Hills College MPC Make wise choices about what we are doing, so that when Jesus returns, we are ready!
Dada Fialho The 3rd Angel’s Message Presentation given at Blue Hills College MPC, 17 October, 2020 Listen to Pr Dada Fialho explain how this message can be preached in a practical way to the world
Ron Cuff In His Vineyard For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Matt 20:1 Undeserving grace. It’s the precious gift to us from the One
True Righteousness Eric Greenwell Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. Matt 5:6 Righteousness is a most precious gift from God, but it’s not just about ourselves, or what we believe. It is about what we
Alstonville SDA Church Sermon September 12, 2020
Alstonville SDA Church Sermon September 5, 2020
Glen Hughes As It Was In The Days Of Noah These are strange times in which we are living, with hard to comprehend restrictions often carrying painful consequences. Here Glen explores the increasing tendency of people to distrust civil authority,
The Purpose of Trials Dada Fialho Sermon at Blue Hills College by Dada Fialho, August 22, 2020
Faith and Intercessory Prayer – How it works Dada Fialho The sermon on August 8, 2020 was held at the Blue Hills College Multi – Purpose Centre and live streamed to Alstonville Church. Title: Faith and Intercessory Prayer – How
Tears in Heaven Dada Fialho Why have Jesus not yet come? Can Jesus come in our life time? What must I do? Revelation 21:4 This is part Four of Dada’s series on entitled Jesus Second Coming
The Assurance Dada Fialho How to get ready for Jesus second coming? What must I do? What has Jesus done for me? This is part three of Dada’s series on entitled Jesus Second Coming “But when the king came in
The Sinners Regard Dada Fialho Why will some people hide from the presence of Jesus and others will rejoice? Can I know today which group I am going to be in? This is part two of Dada’s series on entitled
The Evidence of Discipleship Dada Fialho Questions: Is Covid19 a sign of Jesus soon coming? Should I preach that Jesus is coming soon? BUT, What if Jesus doesn’t come and everything goes back to normal? This is part one of
Focus on the End Goal Tim Merritt For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Job 19:25 Through all the tragedy, loss and heartbreak that Job suffered, he never
Lessons from Habakuk Pr Adrian Raethel Pr Adrian Raethel, NNSW conference president, shares how we can find comfort in the words of Habukuk during turbulent times.
How Does God Speak to Us? Dada Fialho Watch to learn how you can hear the voice of God in your life. This is part 7 of Dada’s series entitled The Unknown Power of the Scriptures.
The Blessings Found in the Knowledge of God Dada Fialho Learn what is in store for those that truly search to know God by reading his word. This is part 6 of Dada’s series entitled The Unknown Power of the
The power of the witnesses quenched by the water Dragon – Revelation 11-12 Dada Fialho A fifteenth century Gutenberg bible today is worth millions of dollars, but your bible is worth just as much! Uncover the price God has placed
Series: The Unknown Power of the Scriptures Lesson 4 – How to Receive the Holy Spirit Learn how you can obtain God’s special seal for your life. This is part 4 of Dada’s series entitled ‘The Unknown Power of the
Series: The Unknown Power of the Scriptures Lesson 3 – How to Obtain Faith Do you feel that no matter how hard you try your faith always fails you? Find out how to find out how to obtain “The
Series: The Unknown Power of the Scriptures Lesson 2 – How to Be Born Again Discover what Jesus was really telling Nicodemus when he told him to be born again.
Series: The Unknown Power of the Scriptures Lesson 1 – How to get rid of Sin Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
Partakers of Jesus’ Glory Dada Fialho The honours are too high to be rejected. Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
High Profile Positions Available in the Kingdom of God Dada Fialho Learn about God’s plan for your life (Broadcast April 18, 2020)
The New World Ruler Dada Fialho John 14:30 – I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me Pastor Dada presents a special on-line Easter message: Would