The Badge of Christianity There is an eloquence far more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian. What a person is has more influence than what he or she says. The
The Badge of Christianity

The Badge of Christianity There is an eloquence far more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian. What a person is has more influence than what he or she says. The
Turn and Hearken Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life. Proverbs 4:13. You have the Word of the living God, and for the asking you may have the gift of the Holy
God’s Call for a Higher Standard Nick Saunders Alstonville SDA Church – April 24 2024 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become
Shantaya Alsop-Lewis – 1st Corinthians Shantaya shares with us Paul’s message to the growing church in Corinth. His writings here apply just as much to us today – look to Jesus for our example of love and unity in faith,
Lyle Southwell Sabbath School and the Mission of the Church Lyle shares with the secret to firing up the hearts of our congregation, and spreading the message of Jesus to the whole world.
No Greater Purpose than to Share Jesus Pr Dada Fialho After Pentecost the Holy Spirit was active in the early church. First the Holy Spirit advised the church to send out Barnabas and Paul for the work that He had
So Completely Filled April Boyd Stephen was able to do amazing works for God because he was completely filled with the power of God. April encourages us to look at our own hearts to examine what we are filled with.
Real People, Real Problems Ryan Cuff The Holy Spirit had descended and the early church in Jerusalem were of one heart and one soul. People were selling their land and houses and providing for those who had need. But then
Pr Dada Fialho The Gift of God Fifty days after the resurrection, the disciples heard the sound of a wind rushing through the house where they were meeting, and tongues of fire landed on their heads. They were then filled
Elijah KWASA I Command You When someone commands us to do something, often our first impulse is to resist. We don’t like being told what to do! Even obeying God doesn’t come naturally to us. However, God’s commandments are
The Right Question Glen Hughes It is just as important to have the right questions as it is to have the right answers. Even a genius can be tricked into giving the wrong answer because they haven’t asked the right
Illuminate Jared Hughes Jared explores how a camera is like the investigative judgement: it is all due to the importance of light. Satan wants us to be in darkness about who God is, but when Jesus came into this world,
Your Yearly Diet Plan Pr Dada Fialho You have a resolution to make personal change? It’s certainly that time of year. Should we be more responsible with money, exercise more regularly, or eat less pancakes? Pr Dada trims off the
Carolyn Thomas God’s Design for Us We all know that 1 plus 1 equals 2. But why does it always equal 2? Carolyn looked at the Fibonacci Series in the world around us and how it shows us that God
Pr Dada Fialho God’s Love for Man Do you believe that God loves you? We can only love God back if we believe this deep in our hearts. No one will have an emotionally intimate relationship unless they believe that
“And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow.” (Matthew 13:3) The Lord Jesus Christ often taught His disciples through parables, and this verse both contains the first reference to parables in
A Tale of Two Servants April Boyd Matthew chapter 24 shares with us a tale of two servants bidden by the Master to share his blessings. One chose to be faithful and wise whilst the other one was unfaithful and
The Saviour Will Come Again Nick Conduit Most people missed the first coming of Jesus, but Jesus is going to come back again. Are you ready? A part-time Christian isn’t going to defeat a full-time devil. The only way to
Finding Deep Joy in a World of Fleeting Pleasure Russell George Blaise Pascal wrote that “All men seek happiness.” What most aren’t aware of is the fact that all joy comes from God. It is God who enables us to
The Saviour Calls For Action Pr Dada Fialho The Jewish rulers had accused Jesus of blasphemy and thus worthy of death, the Roman soldiers had nailed him to the cross, and His disciples had deserted Him in fear. But to
Pr Dada Fialho The Saviour Who Didn’t Save Himself Jesus laid down His life to save not only the Jews, but every person who has ever lived. Jesus died surrounded by hatred and mockery, but His heart was full of
Elijah Kwasa Test and Temptations x (apologies for the video focus) If we are not living a life where there are no tests, we are probably not living close to God. God knows what we are able to stand, and
The Saviour is Forsaken Carolyn Thomas To be Forsaken is to be abandoned and deserted. Peter and the disciples could not visualise a situation in which they would scatter and forsake the One they knew to be the Son of
Sharni and Isabel The eternal unity with our Saviour sealed with His blood Would you rather be dead or alive? Would you prefer to walk in darkness or in light? There is an eternal and wonderful unity on offer from
The Unselfish Love of Jesus Lucas Dos Santos Jesus loves me: we learn to sing this when we can barely talk. But what does it mean? Love actually means nothing if it is not returned. Church is where we learn
Rohan Keegan Broken with a Purpose I was broken, but when Jesus came into my life I didn’t stay the same. Jesus re-created me and His power changed my life. God’s love shines through my brokenness which then enables me